martes, 8 de mayo de 2012


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 Mª Isabel Pérez Ortega ha realizado la traducción en inglés.

Here you have the most important rights that were conquered in 1812 by the first Spanish Constitution.

24 comentarios:

  1. Hi! I´m Miguel Ángel López Alarcón and I study topography.
    I would like to make a reflexion about what happens if the 8 art. of the spanish constitution(1812)
    was valid nowadays,I think it is not respected because the most rich people who is living in spain
    can make what is called sicavs.. it is a financial instrument that allows
    you to invest money and defer paying tax annual this means that people than have
    less money need to pay 21% of taxs and people with more than 2.400.000€ can only
    pay 1% of tax so in my opinion this could be inconstitucional tool that make
    poor people more poor and rich people earn money
    thanks for your attention

    1. Miguel, enhorabuena por tu excelente intervención. Es muy importante hoy en día que aprendamos a utilizar una segunda lengua en nuestras comunicacines académicas y laborales. Sin duda que tendrás mucha suerte en tu futuro laboral próximo.

  2. ARTICLE 1
    Article one has been a bit outdated but means that the Spanish wherever they are united by the same rules.
    I liked this article because it says that the Spanish nation itself is not tangible and therefore not in possession of anyone.
    It says that the people should elect their representatives, and their laws even today to choose the laws it does not get much in practice.
    This article is great because each person will contribute to the State under the possessions you have. But though this article exists in reality is not put into practice only to compare the taxes paid today the great fortunes of the country compared to those who pay the ordinary people.
    ARTICLE 13
    It is a good article that says the government needs to look after the interests of the nation, but rather watch little people with less money and more for people with more money.
    Article 366
    This article is very good because it is intended that all people have access to public education and creating a state with a majority of uneducated people and thus the country progresses.

    1. Jose Antonio es fantástica tu intervención.
      NO olvidemos que estás en un C.F. NO BILINGÜE, y tu esfuerzo es doblemente considerable.
      Gracias!!! y mucha suerte en tu camino laboral!!!

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Happy 200th Anniversary "PEPA"

    I am surprised your article 8; It says that “the purpose of government is the happiness of the nation, because the goal of all political society is none other than the welfare of the individuals composing”; I said that I was surprised because I had pleased to see that this idea has been around for over 200 years, but today it seems that this is outdated thinking like you. It's like move back in time to the eighteenth century when enlightened despotism said everything for the people but without the people; My conclusion is, nowadays the happiness is no longer a government goal, at least not as important as paying the debt; and this should be not only a goal of government, but the most important obligation of this.

    José Antonio Acosta Arjona

  5. I hope this goal is in politician´s mind every day and night....
    Thanks a lot, thank you very much for your words!!!

  6. Juan Jesús Martín Boza 2DPA de Topografía.

    Articulo 8

    Me gusta este artículo. Ya que te dice que en la realidad todos tenemos obligación a contribuir con los gastos del Estado. Conforme a los bienes que cada uno posea y el poder adquisitivo que tenga cada persona.

    I like this article. It says that in reality everybody has the obligation to contribute with the state expenses, according to the goods and to the properties of each person.

    Articulo 242

    Este articulo me parece muy interesante porque solo personas cualificadas pueden hacer cumplir la ley. Ellos son los Tribunales.

    I think that this article is very interesting because only people qualified can ensure the law. They are the courts.

    Articulo 366

    Yo pienso que este artículo es muy importante porque todo el mundo tiene derecho a la educación y aprender sobre las obligaciones civiles por ejemplo: la religión, leer, escribir ect……
    I think that this article is very important because everybody has the right to the education and to learn about the civil obligations for example: the religion, to read, to write ect…….

    Articulo 13

    Este artículo representa a todos los artículos de la Constitución porque el principal objetivo del Gobierno y de la Constitución es el bienestar de la población y de los ciudadanos.

    This article represents all the articles of the Constitution because the main objective of the government and of the constitution is the population and citizens welfare.

    1. Your homework is really fantastic!!! It´s an excellent investigation!!!
      You´ll get a very good mark!!!

  7. José Antonio López García 2ºDPA

    This initiative by the institute, I found very interesting that although the 1812 Constitution is at the hands of all, although many young people are unaware of their rights and obligations. I think with this presentation teaches the Constitution of 1812 in a more enjoyable and easy to understand.

    Actually, I was struck by the article 13. In this article, it says that the government's goal is the happiness of the nation. I think now in Spain, many measures are being taken to make happy rather than to the Spanish, are doing just the opposite, even leading them to ruin. I think that if this should be so, politicians before taking a decision should sit and think better that impact will these measures between the Spanish.

    Another item that caught my attention. This article says that sovereignty is in the people, because now it is seen that the views of the people matters little.
    I think that the Constitution and the way of thinking of the rulers in 2012 instead of improving the Constitution of 1812, is much more backward!

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    1. Usted fondo ha conseguido mi video y quien te ha derecho de subir lo en youtube si alguien te mando o alguien tiene el mismo nombre que yo te pido que aclaras muy bien la cosas sino hay algunas consecuencias que me han caído por su culpa sin tener nada ir haber en eso y gracias

  9. Juan Francisco Gómez Rueda 2ºDPA

    Items mentioned in this review are essential for the further development of Spanish law, some of which are still valid today and are key pillars in our constitution: national sovereignty, separation of powers and that public education is This is a legal document. The constitution of 1812 was enacted on March 19, 1812 (hence the nickname the Pepa).
    There was a main idea was the right of the citizen as the freedoms of thought, right to petition, right to property, etc., Especially the recognition of all the legitimate right individos composing the Spanish Nation

    sorry for my poor ingles.isabel

    1. Very good!!!
      Thanks a lot for participating in this educational proyect!!!

  10. José Berrocal González 2ºDPA
    Articulo 8:
    Cet article 8 de la Constitution de 1812 qui nous fait penser sans aucun doute dans l'État comme l'ensemble des citoyens à leurs droits et devoirs, et nous rappelle notre obligation de contribuer en tant que telle à terme moderne que disant «la caja unica". Laissant derrière lui les injustices qu'à partir d'aujourd'hui nous vivons sur la sincérité de ces contributions ou mensonge qui représente environ qui se termine poids jusqu'à complète de l'impôt d'État, je pense que malgré toutes ces années, je permettre une évaluation critique, - les Espagnols n'ont pas encore réussi à que nous assurer que nos ressources fin destinant pour le bien commun, mais ce sentiment de méfiance à l'égard de que se retrouvent entre les mains seulement de certaines personnes au lieu de devise o compromettre les intérêts généraux de l'espagnols. Par conséquent, il m'arrive quelque fois de pense que les lois ou parallèles sont en cours d'adoption dans notre pays affecte les autres colonies n'a pas favorisé un changement de conscience collective aussi, peut-être même qu’il trop tôt, nous ne sommes pas préparés, et peux être condamné à attendre deux cents ans

  11. Fco. Abel Aragon Tome 2ºDPA

    The Constitution of 1812 is one of the most important legal texts of the Spanish state was established in Cadiz on March 19, 1812. This year was its second century. This constitution contains many of the fundamental principles that continue today. This event was very important for the Spanish people, because they were in a country where there was in the king's sovereignty. In my opinion the most important principle is personal freedom and national sovereignty, to approve anything we should be most agreement and fight for our rights. At present we are in a country where we can decide, but sometimes it does not seem.

    1. Thanks a lot for your participation!!!
      It´s fantastic!!

  12. The Constitution of 1812 is the first Liberal Constitution of Europe and second in the world after the U.S one.
    My favorite achievements in the constitution are the following articles: number 3, 4, 8, 13, 243 and 371 and they are the most attracts me too.

    It's funny how nowadays these items are not reflected 200 years later.
    It seems that today the people are not sovereign and the Government neither defends nor protects the people and people don’t pay taxes according to their incomes, existing regressive policies getting so this government the NO happiness of the spanish people.
    It´s funny how a goverment that calls itself Neoliberal doesn't respect and cut fundamentals rights of a Liberal Constitution and another basic rights

  13. Influences on other constitutions: La Pepa chapter 1
    The 1812 Constitution was published in Spain three times -1812, 1820 and 1836 - became the democratic milestone in the first half of the nineteenth century, many European constitutions transcended and impacted on the origins of constitutional and parliamentary majority of American States during and after independence. A clear example is the Brazilian constitution.
    The Constitution was sworn in America, and his legacy is evident in most of the republics that became independent between 1820 and 1830. And not just because they served as a constitutional model, but also because the Constitution was designed, created and written by American representatives as a global Hispanic project and revolutionary.
    Parliamentarians as the Mexican Miguel Ramos Arizpe, Chilean Fernández de Leiva, Peruvian Vicente Morales Duarez and Ecuadorian José Mejía Lequerica, among others, in later years became influential shapers of the national constitutions of their respective republics.
    The Brazilian Imperial period began in 1822, with the proclamation of Independence, and lasted until 1889, when the Republic was established. Initially, European countries did not recognize the reign of Mr. Peter I, the first Emperor of Brazil.
    The Letter of 1824 was the first constitution of the country, and its laws were in force throughout the Imperial Brazil. The document stated, among other things, constitutional monarchy, with a central government; representative system with Senate and House of Representatives, four political powers - Executive, Legislative, Judiciary and Moderator - the latter exercised by the Emperor. The right to vote and be elected was linked to social status and financial assets, thereby excluding most of the population.

  14. Influences on other constitutions: La Pepa chapter 2
    Not only had influence in the constitutions of American countries, but also in Europe, the best example of which would be to Sicily. The Constitution of Cadiz, translated into Italian and with some minor modifications, was put into effect as the first Constitution of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by decision of the parliament of that country on 1820 9th of December, and sanctioned by King Ferdinand I, the following preamble:
    "As a result of the events of 7 and 22 July 1820, which was adopted with the Constitution of the Spanish Monarchy with modifications that national representation constitutionally convened propose judged to suit the particular circumstances of the kingdom of Sicily, the national parliament having taken care of it with the most premature and scrupulous examination, and having investigated everything that is necessary to satisfy the great object of promoting the glory, prosperity and the good of the whole nation; decrees modified , as follows, the Constitution for good governance and the proper administration of the state. "

    Constitution of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in 1820

    Another example might be the Portuguese Constitution. While in Spain broke the War of Independence against France in 1808, the Portuguese rose against Napoleon's invading troops, with British support essential, commanded by General William Beresford soon to be occupied country government as Marshal, while the Portuguese royal family remained in exile in Rio de Janeiro. Liberals, grouped in an organization of intellectuals called Sanhedrin (assembly) began to plot against the British military in Porto and finally managed to establish a constituent assembly in 1821 that the following year, drafted the first constitution of Portugal, inspired by La Pepa of Cadiz in 1812 and the French revolutionaries, its provisions had a distinctly liberal democracy: separation of powers, national sovereignty, rights and duties of citizens, etc.. Although the Portuguese monarchy Constituição Política da Monarquia Portuguesa of 1822 was enforced for two short periods-nine months until 1823 and from September 1836 to March 1838 - became a basic reference of its constitutional history, the King Pedro IV. More moderate than the previous one established life and bicameralism.
    Of Brazil (1825), the political differences between constitutionalists and traditionalists-like alternation of conservatives and liberals in the nineteenth-century in Spain, which ended with the new Constitutional Letter of 1826, granted by inherited two powers: executive and legislative-controlled by the Crown. It was the Portuguese Constitution that has been in force for more time over various historical periods and with some revisions.
    Following the revolutionary movements of 1837, was produced a new constitution in 1838 that sought to reconcile the democratic spirit of the Basic Law of 1822 with the constitutional monarchy of the charter granted in 1826, all of which, under the influence of the Constitution Belgian of 1831 and Spanish of 1837 (which on this side of the border, had the same ideal mediator between the locals and the principles of the Statute Real monarchical sense). The new Portuguese Laws Act of 1838 was in effect just four years and, in 1842, a coup again reinstated the Charter of 1826 which ruled the kingdom until it ceased in 1910.

  15. The Constitution of 1812 is of great importance as it was the first constitution to be held in Spain. It was the example of other European Constitutions.
    I think this law a series of articles pipe too liberal for the time as at the time of his proclamation was a break with everything that had previously. It was a before and after for the Spanish people, and that he was given more freedoms and citizens were given the right to vote and say in many areas, as well as training for the future or as press freedom.
    I am glad that a group of people in those days had their minds so clear to grant them the honor of the freedom of the Spanish people.
    Viva La Pepa!
